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Recce team en route!!

Exciting times – after a few years where we haven’t been able to get to Europe, today 3 of the Extramile Committee (Preston Ayres, Rob Oakley and Mike Rhodes) set off to France to travel the route and check the best final road selection to best deliver the famous Extramile Challenges experience. We will keep you posted on the route and hotel arrangements – we won’t add in the wine tasting notes of the intrepid 3 from dinner!!

We have only a limited number of team spaces left – so don’t hesitate and miss out. Send an email toĀ  and we will send your deposit and entry details to confirm your place.

For the teams that have entered, we will be collecting team information and transport details soon – so keep a look out for the mails.

We will issue a recce report shortly to whet your appetite, and keeeeeeep cycling!!